Tips How to Navigate Technical Issues How to Report Technical Issues Return to Portal Home Navigating Technical Issues Download as a PDF Dopavision does its best to ensure that the MyopiaX and content apps have no technical issues. Yet, unforeseen technical issues may still occur during the MyopiaX-1 clinical trial. If a participant’s caregiver reports […]
GUIDES Weekly Low Adherence Calls Return to Portal Home Purpose: Understand why children have not been performing the recommended number of treatment sessions over the past week. Download as a PDF Goal: Motivate participating children and their caregivers to resume the twice daily treatment sessions as soon as possible by: Building rapport… inquire about how […]
Ensaio clínico
ENSAIO CLÍNICO O QUE É O ENSAIO CLÍNICO MYOPIAX®? A finalidade deste ensaio é investigar os efeitos clínicos de MyopiaX® MyopiaX® é uma aplicação para smartphone que visa a abrandar a progressão (agravamento) da miopia em crianças e adolescentes. Estamos a levar a cabo um ensaio clínico (NCT04967287) para estudar a segurança e o efeito do […]
Klinisch onderzoek
MEDISCH WETENSCHAPPELIJK ONDERZOEK WAT HOUDT HET MEDISCH WETENSCHAPPELIJKE MYOPIAX®-ONDERZOEK IN? Het doel is het onderzoeken van de effecten van MyopiaX® MyopiaX® is een smartphone-applicatie, dat het verslechteren van bijziendheid bij kinderen en adolescenten wil vertragen. We voeren een medisch wetenschappelijk onderzoek uit (NCT04967287) om de veiligheid en werkzaamheid van MyopiaX® bij het verslechteren van bijziendheid te […]
Klinische Studie
KLINISCHE STUDIE WORUM GEHT ES BEI DER KLINISCHEN MYOPIAX®-STUDIE? In dieser Studie soll die klinische Wirkung von MyopiaX® untersucht werden. MyopiaX® ist eine Smartphone-Anwendung, die auf die Verlangsamung des Fortschreitens (Verschlechterung) der Myopie, oder Kurzsichtigkeit, bei Kindern und Jugendlichen abzielt. Wir führen eine klinische Studie (NCT04967287) durch, um die Sicherheit und Wirkung der MyopiaX® Behandlung […]
Ensayo clínico
ENSAYO CLÍNICO ¿QUÉ ES ELENSAYO CLÍNICO MYOPIAX®? El objetivo de este ensayo es investigar los efectos clínicos de MyopiaX® MyopiaX® es una aplicación para smartphone cuyo objetivo es ralentizar la progresión de la miopía en niños y adolescentes. Estamos llevando a cabo un ensayo clínico (NCT04967287) para investigar la seguridad y el efecto del tratamiento con […]
The importance of treatment compliance

Compliance is an important aspect of myopia control that has not been well-studied or documented. In general, compliance refers to a patient’s adherence to the treatment regimen, but also includes completion of care procedures and attendance at follow-up visits.1 Compliance can be hard to measure, and reports are often subjective. As a result, compliance information […]
Digital screen time and myopia

It is widely agreed that changing environmental influences have been driving the recent myopia boom. Over the past several years, digital screen time has emerged as a new environmental influence of interest. As smartphones, tablets, and computers have become pervasive in homes and schools, concerns have been raised about the impact of increased screen time […]
Light, dopamine, and myopia

Time outdoors has a protective effect against myopia that may be mediated by the high illuminance (brightness) of outdoor light. The importance of children receiving adequate exposure to daylight is now recognized by many specialists,1 but why does bright light protect against myopia? The primary hypothesis is that bright light stimulates dopamine release in the […]
The protective effect of time outdoors against myopia

There are now a number of studies supporting the protective role of time outdoors against myopia. 1 Randomized controlled trials conducted in China and Taiwan have found that increasing the amount of time children spend outdoors reduces the incidence rate of myopia. 2,3 According to a meta-analysis, one additional hour of time outdoors each week […]